The entire catalog of works by the composer Óscar Navarro are sold EXCLUSIVELY at this online store

Dedicated to Leonard Bernstein for the First Centenary of his Birth (1918-2018)




Fantasy for three violins, viola, two cellos, double bass, flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn and piano, dedicated to the the great maestro Leonard Bernstein for the centenary of his birth (1918-2018).


“LENNY”, comes from the term of endearment with which his closest relatives and close friends addressed the maestro.  The main characteristic of this work is the use of rhythmic measures strongly influenced by jazz, the main characteristic of Leonard Bernstein’s music repertoire, which accompanied him throughout his creative life.


This fantasy is centered on two predominant rhythmic patterns, which alternate through each of the instruments of the ensemble, with the piano as the central axis of the whole work.


Divided into two clearly contrasting sections, “Lenny” goes beyond the rhythms that the instrument itself can perform, including passages in which the performers themselves become percussion instruments produced by the voice, plus a few instances of body percussion.


Five minutes of frenetic, daring and suggestive music dedicated to one of the greatest icons of classical music of the 20th century.

                                                                         Oscar Navarro


Oscar Navarro


