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The entire catalog of works by the composer Óscar Navarro are sold EXCLUSIVELY at this online store
Chamber music
CONTINENTAL – Quartet for Clarinets
46,00€ IVA no incluido / VAT not included
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Quartet for clarinets
Continental is a clarinet quartet created in 1999 and premiered in the Chamber Music Series of the Murcia Youth Orchestra.
Continental is a musical suite divided in four movements and inspired by the different musical styles of the continents.
The first movement, “Europa”, is represented by Spanish music, full of rhythms and harmonies with a gypsy touch.
The second movement, “Asia”, is represented by a Russian dance, inspired by the traditional Russian dances.
The third movement, “Africa”, a soft melody describes the vast plains and the graeatness of a continent torn by poverty.
Finally, the last movement of the piece, “America”, is represented with a series of themes inspired by the wild West with cowboy dances, the rhythms of Indian drums. The last theme of the piece takes us back to Europe, with one of the themes that represented Spain in the beginning.
Oscar Navarro
Composer | Óscar Navarro |
Difficulty | 4 |
Duration | 10' |