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The entire catalog of works by the composer Óscar Navarro are sold EXCLUSIVELY at this online store
Symphony Orchestra/Soloist and Symphony Orchestra
LATENT EMOTIONS – Suite for Violin and Symphony Orchestra
To Ara Malikian
Suite for Violin and Symphony Orchestra
“LATENT EMOTIONS” is a suite with which I intend to show the audience the power of music and its capacity to spark several different moods, to awaken our emotions and to make us feel. It also aims to make the listener an active participant of the piece. Composed in four movements, each one will attempt to provoke a unique experience, very personal but shared by every single one of the constituents of a musical performance (soloist, players, conductor, listener and composer) in that very precise moment of musical inception.
1st Movement: Seduction/Desire/Lust/Passion
The piece begins in a subtle and captivating fashion, with a soft and enchanting air of a tango in which the soloist aims to seduce the listener and to create a feeling of permanent attraction. Progressively the orchestra gains more presence, with a much more energetic and passionate ending.
2nd Movement: Tranquillity/Calm/Peace/Wellbeing
In the second movement we are immersed in a state of wellbeing and relaxation, where the simple melodic lines played by the violin soloist are combined with an exquisite harmonic treatment of the winds and the percussion effects, and beautiful sonority of the Tibetan bowls attempt to transport the listener to a new environment, to induce a profound feeling of inner peace. In this movement breathing is also treated musically as a primary element of interpretation.
3rd Movement: Happiness/Euphoria/Excitement/Ecstasy
The third movement does a complete turnabout, presenting the most desired of emotions, joy and happiness. Pure music that will cause serotonin to sprout in our bodies y ends up dragging us towards a maximum state of euphoria and final ecstasy.
This movement seeks to awaken the spirit of the people, seeking to provoke joy, euphoria, exaltation, and in which the solo violin can exploit all its technical abilities and interact with the different sections of the orchestra. This is a movement that gives an injection of positivity and joy to the audience. It is made up of a rhythmic character, with playful change in tempo, nothing stable, rather, pure rhythmic motion.
4th Movement: Anxiety/Stress/Anguish/Anger
The final movement interrupts brusquely, provoking an atmosphere of extreme agitation/tension, a new emotional state, not pleasant or sought after, but which, nonetheless, is a normal part of our daily life: stress.
An uncomfortable and endless ostinato causes a sensation of increasing anxiety which causes an increase in and our heart rate, until reaching a very distressed emotional state, once again causing irregular breathing, which again will form an active part of the score.
I hope that “LATENT EMOTIONS” accomplishes its true objective: to transmit and provoke sensations in the listener and, of course, all through one of the widest channels of universal communication: Music.
Oscar Navarro
Composer | Óscar Navarro |
Difficulty | 5 |
Duración | 21' |