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For Eddy Vanoosthuyse

For Clarinet and Wind Band

(Transcription for Symphony Orchestra)

Dedicated to the great Belgian clarinetist Eddy Vanoosthuyse, this concert was created by its composer, Oscar Navarro over the Christmas holidays of 2006. It was premiered in Brussels in March 2007.

“CONCERTO” for clarinet and Symphonic Band is a work full of emotion and rhythm. With a soft touch of Jazz it becomes a very easily enjoyable piece to all lovers of good music. In large part, this concerto exploits a wide range of the technical possibilities of the clarinet, making use of most of its range. The virtuosity is present in much of the concerto contrasting with a middle section in which the melodies blend in with the environment, with a fresh and passionate touch.

During this section the composer puts no limits on the use of infinite pianissimos capable of hypnotizing us until we feel the pure essence of the music.

In the final section, he makes the clarinetist showcase his/her virtuosity and best technical abilities, all wrapped up in a catchy rhythmic framework that will make us vibrate to the end.

“CONCERTO” is a work intended for an audience open to rhythmic and harmonic variety, and willing to experience a series of sensations that only good music knows how to give us.

Oscar Navarro


Óscar Navarro



