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EL ILUSTRE MARINO – Introduction and March for Symphony Orchestra, Choir and Band of Bugles and Drums

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(Transcription for Symphony Orchestra)

Introduction and March for Wind Band, choir and band of bugles and drums

The Illustrious Sailor is an Introduction and grand March for Wind Band, choir and an ensemble of bugles and drums, dedicated to Jorge Juan Santacilia, sailor and naval engineer, born in Novelda, Alicante, Spain. (1713-1773).

This piece was composed for the celebration of the third centenary of his birth in 2013, in Novelda. It was commissioned by this town in Alicante and was premiered by all the musical associations of the town of Novelda, directed by the composer, Oscar Navarro, in “The Plaza Vieja” of the town.

The work is conceived as a description of last return voyage of Jorge Juan to the country of his birth, Spain.

The piece opens with a soprano solo in the form of a distant song simulating being a mermaid that outlines a beautiful melody, which gradually grows in instrumentation and power. Jorge Juan’s ship becomes increasingly present until a blast of the bugles and drums marks the grand final call that reveals all the splendor of the ships’ triumphal arrival to Spanish lands.

Oscar Navarro


Óscar Navarro



