Legal Notice
The owner of the website is OSCAR NAVARRO MUSIC, S.L. with CIF No. B-87883922 and home address on Avenida de Europa Nº26, 2ª Planta, Edificio Ática-5 – C.P. 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón, (Madrid). The entity is registered in the Mercantile Register with the following registration data: T 36234, F 21, S 8, H M 651082, I / A 1.
With the aim that the use of the website meet the criteria of transparency, clarity, and simplicity, OSCAR NAVARRO MUSIC S.L. informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query about this Legal Notice or any other informative document of the website will be received and resolved by contacting OSCAR NAVARRO MUSIC S.L., via email address:
All contents contained in this website is subject to copyright, not allowing the reproduction of the same, or its use or disclosure through other means, without prior authorization of the owner OSCAR NAVARRO MUSIC S.L. However, the user may use information provided to manage his/her order and the corresponding contact information.
OSCAR NAVARRO MUSIC S.L. assumes no responsibility for the links to other sites or web pages that, if any, could be included in the same, since it does not have any type of control over these, so the user agrees to his/her sole responsibility as to the content and the conditions of use that govern them.
The information included on the website has followed the requirements of the Law, but in no way does this imply that it must necessarily be detailed, complete, accurate or kept up-to-date, due in any case to variations that may occur in the regulations, or other legal documents that may apply.
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